What is a BST?


A Binary Search Tree (BST) is a hierarchical data structure in which each node has at most two children. The tree is organized such that:

  • Nodes in the left subtree contain values less than the parent node’s value.
  • Nodes in the right subtree contain values greater than the parent node’s value. This arrangement makes BSTs incredibly efficient for operations like searching, insertion, and deletion.

Real-World Analogy

Imagine a dictionary where words are stored in alphabetical order. This allows you to quickly search for any word by leveraging the order to skip over large portions of irrelevant data. A Binary Search Tree (BST) follows a similar concept, where elements are arranged in a manner that allows efficient searching, insertion, and deletion.


A BST is a binary tree in which each node has at most two children, satisfying the following properties:

  1. The left subtree of a node contains only nodes with values less than the node’s value.
  2. The right subtree of a node contains only nodes with values greater than the node’s value.
  3. Both the left and right subtrees must themselves be BSTs.


  • Sorted Order: In-order traversal of a BST produces elements in ascending order.
  • Efficiency: Searching, insertion, and deletion have a time complexity of O(h), where h is the height of the tree.
  • Dynamic Growth: BSTs dynamically adjust their size as elements are inserted or deleted.



  1. Start from the root node.
  2. Compare the target value with the current node’s value:
    • If equal, return the node.
    • If less, move to the left child.
    • If greater, move to the right child.
  3. Repeat until the target is found or the subtree is empty.

Illustration: For a tree with root 7 and target 9:

  1. Start at 7. 9 > 7, move to the right.
  2. At 12, 9 < 12, move to the left.
  3. At 9, target is found.

Code Snapshot:

BST_NODE *bst_find(int target, BST_NODE *head_node)
    if (head_node == NULL) return NULL;
    if (head_node->value < target)
        return bst_find(target, head_node->right);
    if (head_node->value > target)
        return bst_find(target, head_node->left);
    return head_node;



  1. Start at the root.
  2. Compare the value to be inserted with the current node’s value:
    • If less, move to the left child.
    • If greater, move to the right child.
  3. If the correct position is found (NULL child), insert the new node.

Illustration: Inserting 10 into this tree:

        /   \
       5     12
  1. Start at 7. 10 > 7, move to the right.
  2. At 12, 10 < 12, move to the left.
  3. At 9, 10 > 9, insert as the right child of 9:
        /   \
       5     12

Code Snapshot:

bool bst_insert_node(BST_NODE **node_ptr, int value)
    if (*(node_ptr) == NULL)
        *node_ptr = bst_create_tree(value);
        return true;
    if (value > (*node_ptr)->value)
        return bst_insert_node(&(*node_ptr)->right, value);
    if (value < (*node_ptr)->value)
        return bst_insert_node(&(*(node_ptr))->left, value);
    return true;



  1. Locate the node to delete.
  2. Handle three cases:
    • No children: Remove the node directly.
    • One child: Replace the node with its child.
    • Two children: Replace the node with its in-order predecessor or successor.

Illustration: Deleting 12 from this tree:

        /   \
       5     12
            /  \
           9    15
  1. Find 12. It has two children.
  2. Replace 12 with its in-order predecessor (9):
        /   \
       5      9

Code Snapshot:

BST_NODE *bst_delete_node(BST_NODE **root, int target)
    if (*root == NULL) return *root;
    if ((*root)->value < target)
        return bst_delete_node(&(*root)->right, target);
    else if ((*root)->value > target)
        return bst_delete_node(&(*root)->left, target);
        if ((*root)->right == NULL && (*root)->left == NULL)
            *root = NULL;
        else if ((*root)->left == NULL)
            BST_NODE *tmp = *root;
            *root = (*root)->right;
        else if ((*root)->right == NULL)
            BST_NODE *tmp = *root;
            *root = (*root)->left;
            BST_NODE *proc = NULL;
            BST_NODE *suc = NULL;
            bst_find_predecessor_successor(*root, target, &proc, &suc);
            (*root)->value = proc->value;
            bst_delete_node(&(*root)->left, proc->value);
    return *root;


In-Order Traversal


  1. Visit the left subtree.
  2. Visit the current node.
  3. Visit the right subtree.

Illustration: For the tree:

        /   \
       5     12
      / \    /
     3   6  9

The traversal sequence is: 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12.

Code Snapshot:

void bst_in_order_traversal(BST_NODE *node, void (*callback)(BST_NODE *node))
    if (node == NULL) return;
    bst_in_order_traversal(node->left, callback);
    bst_in_order_traversal(node->right, callback);

Level-Order Traversal


  1. Use a queue to track nodes at each level.
  2. Enqueue the root.
  3. While the queue is not empty:
    • Dequeue a node.
    • Process it.
    • Enqueue its children (left, then right).

Illustration: For the same tree:

        /   \
       5     12
      / \    /
     3   6  9

The traversal sequence is: 7, 5, 12, 3, 6, 9.

Code Snapshot:

void bst_lvl_order_traverse_queue(BST_NODE *node, void (*callback)(BST_NODE *node))
    Queue *q = create_queue();
    enqueue(q, node);
    while (!queue_is_empty(q))
        BST_NODE *current = (BST_NODE *)dequeue(q);
        if (current->left != NULL) enqueue(q, current->left);
        if (current->right != NULL) enqueue(q, current->right);

Examples with Code

Here’s an example tree built from a sequence of insertions:

        /   \
       5     12
      / \    /  \
     3   6   9   15
    / \     / \    \
   1   4   8  10   17

Using the provided code, you can create and manipulate this tree:

BST_NODE *node = NULL;
node = bst_create_tree(7);
int values[] = {5, 12, 3, 6, 9, 15, 1, 4, 8, 10, 17};
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(values)/sizeof(int); i++)
    bst_insert_node(&node, values[i]);

Practical Use Cases

  • Databases: Used in indexing and searching.
  • Compilers: Abstract syntax trees for parsing.
  • Networking: Efficient routing table lookups.